Les Chroniques de Valentin

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octobre 2018

We were born into blood-soaked cities of industry

We were born into blood-soaked cities of industry Informed of the savagery The infamy, barbarity of history Controlled, contrived, and depressed And attested, and stressed out and vexed It’s a message we’ve been fed So we could propagate their system Of division, inhibition Viciousness and contradiction We were suckled on the milk that they soured Told the future was ours And then disembowelled and disempowered We have been disgraced, deafened and deflowered Our brains brutalized and our defiance devoured And so now they’re shooting guns and robbing cats And trying to claw a little (...)

See, I always knew that we were here for more than wash the dishes, do the cooking

See, I always knew that we were here for more Than wash the dishes, do the cooking See, I’m here to speak for everyone That never got a look in You know, all the ones who ain’t good-looking The ones who hate the crooked Wicked nature of the system For everyone who knows, fuck it Just cause we can’t see the bars Don’t mean we aren't imprisoned — Sound of Rum, End Times (...)

C'est ça

C'est ça C'est ça que je voulais te dire Que je ne savais pas exprimer Pas même penser Car pas le temps Pas la liberté Pas l'envie Pas le courage Pas grand chose à dire Enfin je croyais C'est ça Ça qui m'occupait Qui me chargeait l'esprit Qui inhibait mes actions Qui me faisait sentir vide Inconsistant Inutile Ça C'est l'habitude De ne plus rien avoir à te dire De ne plus rien avoir à penser À ressentir À vouloir À éprouver C'est ça qui manque Ça Lancinant Enivrant Fatigant Répétition inlassable De ce que je voudrais dire Mais ne sais plus exprimer Ça C'est le mot La (...)